Is Apple’s Vision Pro a Mixed Reality Device?

Is Apple's Vision Pro a Mixed Reality Device?

Apple recently announced its latest product, the Vision Pro, which is a pair of AR glasses that promises to bring augmented reality (AR) to everyday life. While the device has been marketed as an AR headset, there has been some confusion about whether it can truly be classified as a mixed reality (MR) device. In this article, we will explore what MR means for AR technology and determine whether Apple&39;s Vision Pro fits the criteria.

What is Mixed Reality?

Mixed reality (MR) is a type of augmented reality that combines virtual objects with real-world environments. Unlike traditional AR, which only overlays virtual objects onto the real world, MR allows for more immersive and interactive experiences by allowing users to interact with both virtual and real-world elements at the same time.

What are the Key Features of Mixed Reality?

Mixed reality devices typically have several key features that set them apart from traditional AR headsets. These include:

  • Depth Sensing: MR devices have depth sensors that allow them to track the distance between virtual objects and real-world environments. This allows for more accurate placement of virtual objects and enables users to interact with both virtual and real-world elements in a more natural way.
  • Eye Tracking: MR devices often use eye tracking technology to enable users to interact with virtual objects by looking at them directly. This can allow for more intuitive interactions and can also improve the overall user experience by reducing the need for gestures or voice commands.
  • Haptic Feedback: MR devices often incorporate haptic feedback, which allows users to feel virtual objects as if they were real. This can enhance the immersion of the experience and make it more realistic.
  • Multi-User Interactions: Mixed reality devices often allow for multi-user interactions, meaning that multiple people can interact with the same virtual environment at the same time. This can enable collaborative experiences and can also make the overall user experience more engaging.

Does Apple&39;s Vision Pro Have These Features?

While Apple&39;s Vision Pro does have some of the features of an MR device, it is not truly a mixed reality device in the truest sense. The device has depth sensors that allow for accurate placement of virtual objects, but it does not have eye tracking or haptic feedback capabilities.

Additionally, while the device allows for multi-user interactions, this functionality is limited and is primarily intended for collaborative design purposes.


In conclusion, while Apple&39;s Vision Pro has some features of an MR device, it is not truly a mixed reality device in the truest sense. While the device does have depth sensors, it lacks the eye tracking, haptic feedback, and other advanced capabilities that are typically associated with mixed reality devices.

Ultimately, the device is intended for augmented reality purposes and may be best suited for professional applications such as design and architecture.